by Terrence McNally
Directed by Larry LaFond

CAST: Barbara Kerr, Danielle Kennedy, Justin Ledesma, Jeffrey Norman, Terry Ray, Jason Reale, Steve Rosenbaum and with Patrick Evans as the News Anchorman and Sandie Newton as the Entertainment Reporter

Stage Manager  Scott Sterling Hill
Technical Director  Nick Wass
Costume Designer  Cherlyn Lanning
Set Design – Steve Rosenbaum, Don McCormick


“A non-stop roller coaster of belly laughs… [Danielle Kennedy] I can’t stop watching her… [Rosenbaum and Ray] the chemistry between them, the give and take on stage, is a beautiful thing to behold.. [Cherlyn Lanning’s] cavalcade of coats were comedic and inspired.”


“Sharp direction of Larry LaFond, making his stage directorial debut, the production flourishes with wit and hilarity… masterful performances from the cast… This production is a testament to the company’s ability to deliver impressive ensembles and provide audiences with one of the funniest nights in the theater.”

—Stage and Cinema